How do you like your Beans?

Finest Arabica from the lush coffee estates of India.


Ethically sourced 100% arabica coffee.

We witness the humble beginnings of a coffee bean as a cherry on a coffee plant in a coffee plantation and attain only the best of the batch. (We don’t believe in intermediaries.) Through direct trade relationships with local plantations, we've cut out middlemen and locked in unbeatable product purity.


Rich roast profiles and Good for earth.

Two peas in a pod. The bean land of India yields our roast profiles, medium and dark. Roasted with love for the culture of coffee. The two roasts could be taken home in two forms, whole beans, or roasted whole beans. They’re made to meet all your coffee and choice of equipment needs.


Brew The Beans

For the love of coffee, experience the complex balance of taste and aroma in your every cup of brew.